We, registered Democrats, living in Ward 2 of the District of Columbia, state that we have an interest in the present and future elected leadership of our community and have an abiding belief in the democratic process. Because our strength begins with the participation of citizens, an organization is hereby established. To that end, the following Articles are adopted as the Constitution and By-laws of the Ward 2 Democrats: 


Sec. 1. The name of this not-for-profit organization is the Ward 2 Democrats, Inc._, herein referred to as "W2D." 

Sec. 2. The boundaries of W2D shall be those designated as Ward 2 in the District of Columbia by the D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics. 

Sec. 3. The fiscal year of W2D shall begin on January 1st and shall end on December 31st of every calendar year. 


Sec. 1. The purposes of W2D shall be:

A. to unite all voting and registered Democrats living in Ward 2;

B. to consider and take appropriate action regarding matters affecting the civic interests and welfare of the residents of Ward 2; 

C. to promote participation in the democratic process through the registration and education of potential voters; and 

D. to endorse and foster the election of Democratic candidates in general and primary elections. 

Sec. 2. A member of W2D shall be registered as a Democrat in Ward 2, shall reside in Ward 2, and shall subscribe to the purposes of W2D. Any person who resides in Ward 2, is registered to vote as a Democrat in Ward 2, and subscribes to these stated purposes-may join W2D by submitting a membership form. No person who meets the above criteria shall be denied membership in W2D by reason of race, national origin, religious belief, age, gender or sexual orientation.

Sec. 3. Each member of W2D must bear the responsibility to report changes in his or her membership information kept on file with the Recording Secretary of W2D. This data must include registered name (according to the files of the D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics), the current address including apartment number if applicable, and (work/home) telephone number(s), if volunteered. 


Sec. 1. The organizational structure of W2D shall consist of the W2D Commission, the W2D Executive Committee, and the general membership. 

Sec. 2. The Commission shall consist of the regularly elected officers of W2D and one precinct representative from each Ward 2 precinct. In addition, the following shall be voting ex­-officio members of the Commission; the elected D.C. Councilmember for Ward 2, if a Democrat; and representatives to the D.C. Democratic State Committee who are elected exclusively by residents of Ward 2 to represent Ward 2 on the D.C. Democratic State Committee. The Commission shall be the governing body of W2D, and it shall take recommendations to the membership and execute policy adopted by the membership. Each person who is a member of the W2D Commission shall have one vote, even though a person may be a member of the Commission in more than one capacity. 

Sec. 3. The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of W2D plus the chairs of the Standing Committees, and shall be responsible for conducting the ongoing business of W2D. 


Sec. 1. The elected officers of W2D shall be the Chair, the Vice-Chair, the Recording Secretary; the Corresponding Secretary and the Treasurer. Each officer must be a registered Democrat who resides in Ward 2. All officers shall perform the duties defined in this Article and shall adhere to the parliamentary authority adopted by this organization. 

Sec. 2. The officers of W2D shall be elected every two years, in odd numbered calendar years, for a two-year term. The election scheduled to be held in 2002 by virtue of an amendment to these By-laws adopted in 2001, shall be held no later than June 15, 2003, at which election the officers of the Ward Two Democrats shall be elected for a term of two years or until their successors are elected and qualified.

Sec. 3. Duties of Officers.

A. The Chair. The duties of the Chair shall be to preside over all meetings of the Commission, the Executive Committee, the W2D Convention, and all W2D General meetings. The Chair shall be the Chief Executive of W2D - subject to the direction of the Commission.

The Chair may sign and execute, in the name of W2D, instruments authorized by the Commission, except in those cases where these Articles forbid or where these Articles assign such duties to some other officer or agent. 

B. The Vice-Chair. The Vice-Chair shall act in the absence of or at the request of the Chair, and shall be responsible for all non-monetary assets of the organization. 

C. The Recording Secretary. The duties of the Recording Secretary shall be to keep a record, of all of the proceedings of W2D: to maintain on file all internal committee reports; to preserve the organization's official membership roll call and call the roll where it is required; lo make the records available to members on request; to furnish internal Committees with whatever documents seen necessary for the performance of their respective duties; to have readily available at each meeting a list of all existing internal Committees and their membership composition; to supply delegates with appropriate credentials; to sign all certified copies of acts of the organization; to maintain record books in which these articles, special rules of order, operating procedures, and minutes are entered, with any amendments to these documents properly recorded; and to have current record books on hand at every meeting. 

D. The Corresponding Secretary. The duties of the Corresponding Secretary shall be to notify officers, Commission members and delegates of their election or appointment; to send out notices of all meetings; to prepare, prior to each meeting, an agenda of business for the use of the presiding officer; and to conduct the general correspondence of the organization. 

E. The Treasurer. The duties of the Treasurer shall be to hold the funds of the organization and to pay them out upon proper authorization; to make a financial report to the Commission at each regular meeting and to provide for inclusion in the record of the proceeding a copy of the most recent bank statement(s) for the accounts in which the funds of W2d are held; to file official financial reports as required by the Office of Campaign Finance; and to collect and be held accountable for monies raised through all sources. All disbursements shall be authorized specifically by action of the Commission or the Executive Committee. All funds held within checking and savings accounts on behalf of the organization shall require the signature of the Chair or the Vice-Chair and the Treasurer for withdrawal. All funds of the organization shall be deposited to the credit of W2D in such banks, trust companies and other depositories as the Executive Committee may select. In the event of a dissolution of W2D, the Treasurer shall prepare and submit to the Commission a plan for distribution of assets. 

Sec. 4. Any vacancy occurring among the officers more than sixty (60) days prior to the W2D Convention, whether by death, resignation, incapacity, removal or otherwise, shall be filled by the Commission. A vacancy shall be declared by the Chair when an officer or member of the Commission no longer lives in Ward 2. 

Sec. 5. Removal of Officers. An officer of W2D may be removed if that officer's actions are found to be to the detriment of the purpose and operation of W2D. For removal to occur, there must be a three-fourths (3/4) affirmative vote of the full membership of the Commission at a special meeting at which the removal is voted upon. Any member of W2D can file a complaint with the Commission which calls for the removal of an officer. Removal shall take place only upon a formal motion, duly seconded and passed by members of the Commission. No vote for removal may be taken unless at least fourteen (14) days notice in writing, is given to the officer of the charges, the action contemplated pursuant to such charges, and of the time and place of the special meeting of the Commission at which meeting such charges will be considered. Notice of the time, place and purpose of such meeting, with a full copy of the charges, shall be given to each member of the Commission at least fourteen (14) days in advance of the meeting. At such meeting, the officer against whom charges have been made shall be given a reasonable opportunity to be fairly heard by the Commission regarding the charges. In any case where an officer is removed when such officer was not present during such removal, the Corresponding Secretary shall notify the officer removed, in writing, which shall state the cause of such removal, within fourteen (14) days thereafter. Such notification shall in any event be forwarded to the officer's last known address via registered mail.

Sec. 6. Precinct Representatives.

A. Each Precinct in Ward 2 shall elect one Precinct Representative who shall serve on the Commission, and one alternate Precinct Representative who, in the absence of the Precinct Representative, shall be: (I) entitled to attend Commission meetings as a voting member and (2) counted for purposes of a quorum. The Precinct Representative and alternative Precinct Representative shall be elected every two years, in odd-numbered calendar years, for a two-year term. The election shall be held at the time of the W2D Convention or take place within sixty (60) days subsequent to the W2D convention, except that the election scheduled to be held in 2002, by virtue of the 2001 amendment to the By-laws, shall be held no later than June 15, 2003. The officers and the Ward 2 Democratic State Committee members shall be responsible for conducting these elections. Regular attendance at W2d meetings is required of Precinct Representatives.

B. A Precinct Representative seat may be declared vacant by the W2D Executive Committee if the Precinct Representative no longer represents the Precinct because of death, resignation, incapacity, removal, relocation out of the Precinct. or otherwise; or is shown not to carry out the responsibilities of his/her position, including absence from three consecutive meetings of the Commission. The procedures for removal of a Precinct Representative shall be the same as those set forth in Section D below. 

C. A vacant Precinct Representative seat may be filled by the Chair of W2D with the approval of the Executive Committee. Such appointed person shall serve as Precinct Representative until a special election is held to elect a new Precinct Representative. Such election must occur not more than sixty (60) days following the declaration of such vacancy. A date, time and place for such election shall be set by the W2D Executive Committee. 

D. A Precinct Representative may be removed if their actions are found to be to the detriment of the purpose and operation of W2D, or if they are unable to carry out their duties because of repeated absences or otherwise. A vote for removal may take place at a regular meeting of the Commission or at a special meeting. Any member of W2D can file a complaint with the Commission that calls for the removal of a Precinct Representative. No vote for removal shall be taken unless the Precinct Representative has been given at least fourteen (I 4) days advance written notice of the charges for removal, the contemplated action by the Commission, and the time and place of the meeting at which the vote for removal will occur. Likewise, notice of the time, place, and the contemplated vote for removal shall be given to the members of the Commission at least fourteen (14) days in advance. At such meeting, the Precinct Representative shall be given a reasonable opportunity to provide testimony to the Commission, either orally or in writing, in response to the charges prompting the vote for removal. If the Precinct Representative in question is not in attendance at the meeting, the results of the vote for removal will be forwarded to the Precinct Representative's last known address by registered mail. 

Sec. 7. The directors of W2D shall be the Chair, the Vice-Chair and the Treasurer. 


Sec. 1. The Commission shall convene at least one General meeting for the membership in even numbered years, and one Convention for the membership in odd numbered years. 

A. All General Meetings and Conventions will be called by the Commission at a time and place designated by the Commission. All W2D members shall be entitled to participate and shall be given written notice at least two weeks in advance. The meetings will be open to the public. A quorum for General meetings, Conventions and Endorsement meetings shall exist when there is present: (I) fifty (50) members and, (2) at least one member from at least 50% of the Ward 2 precincts. 

B. The Convention shall have the responsibility of electing the officers of W2D. It shall also adopt a platform for implementing designated goals and programs insuring the involvement of all Ward 2 registered Democrats in ward and city politics.

C. General Meetings and Conventions may adopt resolutions on legislation, programs and the endorsement of candidates. 

Sec. 2. The W2D Commission shall meet at least five times a year, and more frequently if necessary, at a time and place designated by the Chair. Meetings may be rescheduled by a majority vote of the Executive Committee, and must be rescheduled to occur within two weeks of the cancelled meeting. A quorum of the Commission shall consist of 1/3 of its members. Special meetings of the Commission shall be called by the Chair or upon the petition of any 10 members of the Commission. Notice and an agenda of all meetings of the Commission shall be given to all Commission Members seven days prior to each meeting.


This section was not part of the email attachment sent from Sherri Kimbel on March 1, 2019


This section was not part of the email attachment sent from Sherri Kimbel on March 1, 2019


Sec. 1. The following shall be Standing Committees:

A. The Finance Committee shall be charged with the monetary stability of W2D.

B. The Rules Committee shall be charged with interpreting any ambiguities in the Constitution and By-laws; receiving and making recommendations as to the appropriateness of proposed changes in the Constitution and By-laws; gathering facts and making recommendations to the Commission concerning any challenged election; and evaluating matters for and making recommendations to the Commission concerning any matter referred to it by the Commission.

C. The Political Education and Voter Registration Committee (“PER") shall be charged with undertaking action on matters related to voter registration, education and information including, but not limited to, consideration of issues affecting the civic and political interest and welfare of the residents of Ward 2 as well as city-wide. Such matters may be addressed by the Committee at the initiation of (1) any Ward 2 Democrat, (2) the Commission and/or (3) the Committee itself. The committee shall educate voters concerning national and local political processes and shall help promote the accountability of elected officials (i.e., by conducting open meetings with ward and at-large elected officials: sending questionnaires to and distributing responses from candidates and elected officials and soliciting the views of W2D on issues). The Committee shall also research and evaluate various issues and make recommendations for appropriate action to the Commission. The Committee shall implement recommended actions only with the prior review, consideration and vote thereon by the Commission. 

Sec. 2. The chair and voting members of each Standing Committee shall be selected by the Chair of W2D with the approval of the W2D Commission. Each area representative may appoint up to three voting members to each Standing Committee. Standing Committees shall report to the Commission, to the W2D Convention, and may report to any W2D General Meeting, according to its task or function. Additional Standing Committees may be created by amendments to these Articles. 

Sec. 3. Special Committees shall be created as needed. The chair and members of any Special Committee shall be appointed by the Chair of W2D. Every Special Committee shall report to the Commission, and may report to any W2D General Meeting or Convention according to its task or function. 


Sec. I. The procedures detailed in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern W2D in all cases where they are applicable and where they are not inconsistent with these Articles and any special rules of order W2D may adopt.

Sec. 2. The Chair of W2D is empowered to appoint a Parliamentarian to provide advice on parliamentary law and procedure. 

Sec. 3. The Chair of W2D is empowered to appoint a Sergeant-at-Arms to maintain order during meetings. 


Sec. I. All proposed W2D constitutional amendments must be referred in writing to the Rules Committee at least sixty (60) days in advance of the next scheduled General Meeting or Convention for appropriate action. All amendments to these articles must be approved by a majority vote of those members of W2D present at a W2D General Meeting or Convention. Written notice of the General Meeting or Convention and that there will be Constitution and By­laws changes considered must be provided to all members in good standing at least thirty (30) days in advance of the General Meeting or Convention.