Volunteer With Us
We are seeking volunteers for the following committees:
Blue Wave Committee: Support Democratic candidates around the country!
Communications Committee: Help support our outreach efforts through social media, website content, graphic design, etc.
Finance Committee: Help ensure the monetary stability of Ward 2 Democrats.
Member and Recruiting Committee: Help build our leadership team through committee and other forms of participation.
Political Education and Voter Registration Committee: Support voter engagement efforts in Washington, DC!
Programs Committee: Help plan events and partner with other Democratic organizations in DC and beyond.
Rules Committee: Help interpret any ambiguities in the Constitution and By-laws, receive and make recommendations as to the appropriateness of proposed changes in the Constitution and By-laws; gather facts and make recommendations to the Commission concerning any challenged election; and evaluate matters for and make recommendations to the Commission concerning any matter referred to it by the Commission.
If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to Ward 2 Democrats, via email.